Not much scares me- media dramas wise. I'm reasonably immune to 'internet predator' terror, not super concerned about 'identity theft', I have an ok handle on where CA-MRSA that's 'the flesh-eating virus' actually comes from and how to avoid it. BUT, for whatever reason, fear of mad cow has got a little grip on me. I think its the words 'spongiform encephalopathy' that really get to me...
Anyway, because of the word 'spongiform' and because it's recently become available in both local markets, I've started using ground buffalo instead of ground beef. Tonight we're having a little sauteed buffalo in tortillas with pinto beans, salsa and cheese.
I have no idea if buffalo actually stacks up as so much better than beef in the healthy for you sense, considering how close the two animals are I doubt it. But the production methods are so much less dramatic with buffalo that I'm going with the fear of mad cow...
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