And what comes after cucumbers??


And I mean a lot of tomatoes. First, I bought a couple of tomatoes at the weekly farmers market last Thursday morning. Last thursday evening, my mother in law and her husband came to dinner with a few ingredients for salad- including tomatoes. THEN, my father brought home an actual bushel basket of tomatoes from his new job impersonating a farmer and my mother in law has just left but she tried to leave another five tomatoes with me.

So what to do with all these?

Cut them into chunks, toss with garlic, salt, pepper and olive oil and roast on a baking sheet in a 350 degree oven until good and cooked through (maybe 40 min.). If you like you can add some black olives and capers to the pan.

Now you can spoon this mixture over fish or chicken, excellent. Toss it with pasta of course, or serve it as an appetizer on some crusty bread.

There's always tomato baseball in a pinch.

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