Ramadan blobiness

We are full on Dubai Ramadan blobs. Its scorchingly hot outside. Most days, it isn't really possible to go outside until around 4pm. We get up, the kids play on the Wii until lunch, then we hang out. Friends start dribbling in as the afternoon wears on, other bored moms and kids for coffee and tea.
I'm glad of the company and I like that people feel comfortable dropping by my house, BUT, I do get kinda tired of figuring out what to serve them.
All the snacking isn't great for the vegan program either...

Fruit salad is really what I should be eating. But instead we're downing jar after jar of nutella slathered on 'Wholesense' digestive biscuits, poundcakes which the people from the Little Island (England) seem so fond of these days, and of course the ubiquitous arabic bread and hummus. We've got Swedes bringing us odd jars of mushrooms that they DEFINITELY DONT SELL AT IKEA and madeira soaked, nut and chocolate covered marzipan bars (heavenly).

I really don't know where to begin to return to my healthy eating program. I know in about two weeks all this snacking is going to cost me too...

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