Easter Dinner- Roast Lamb

So Easter dinner was the traditional leg of lamb. Usually, I smother the thing is mashed garlic, olive oil and Herbs de Provence. This time out, I had a ton of pre-chopped onions which were stinking up my kitchen something fierce so I added them to a bunch of parsley with some lemon and olive oil. It seemed too thin; pistachio nuts went into the food processor to give me the pesto above.

On a 12lb (bone in) leg of lamb, I used approximately 1 cup of this sauce and just spread it everywhere with my hands. Roasted the lamb at 180 for roughly two hours. It cooked very fast, much faster than I expected, so I wonder a bit if my oven is not correct any more.

The onion parsley mix is tasty, but the meat still needed salt.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh, what an agressive but simple recipe! have to keep this one for the file :)


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