My people call it gravy.

Red sauce- bolognese or margherita for the pretensious- my people call it gravy. Real Italian american people can always be identified (in my part of the country) by the fact that they call what you call 'red sauce' GRAVY. Its GRAVY. The grey to brown stuff they make in the south is what it is but it is NOT GRAVY.

How to make Gravy...

1 piece of leftover red meat (a burger, a pork chop, a steak, a sausage etc.)
2 cloves of garlic
1 sm onion
1 carrot (if you like- do not use sugar)
a dash of dried basil, oregano, parsley, rosemary if you are using pork, some black pepper etc.
2 16oz cans of crushed-peeled tomatos ( I like Sclafani or Pastene, Muir Glen organic is ok)
1 4oz can of tomoato paste
about 1/2 cup of red wine
1 16oz can of water
2 tbsp of good quality olive oil

Saute the onion, garlic, carrot and dried herbs in the olive oil in bottom of a large saucepan. Add the tomato, the paste and the wine and water. Add your meat. Cook covered on low heat, stirring occasionally for a few hours. Serve over pasta.

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