Guineas of Arabia...

Italian American that I am, I actually made chicken soup today. Well, the temperature has dropped to a balmy 90 degrees and it is cloudy for the first time since I've been here. Evidently, there is an outside chance of rain. Soup-making is what we do at the first whiff of fall and this is what passes for a whiff of fall...

I had two lovely little rotisserie chicken carcasses, about 4 onions, 3 enormous but tasty Austrailian carrots, a leek which was donated by one of our neighbors, a couple of tomatos past their prime and some garlic and spices. Boiled it all then let it simmer overnight and strained it this morning.

I think the entire hallway of our swanky apartment building smelled like chicken soup, so all the neighbors now know where the country bumpkins live, just wait until I start making gravy...

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