It's morning in America...

Does anyone remember what the title of this post is from? I'll mail $5 to anyone who does. My brother Greg is excluded from this sweepstakes because he remembers EVERYTHING...
My point, no point. I'm just awake at 4:30 in the morning because I'm back in the US after 3 weeks in Dubai.
Today we go to mass for my parents at our local parish. The 10:30am is quite the 'community' event and will no doubt leave me ever so slightly glad my parents arent here to witness whatever silliness they have in store for us. As long as it doesnt involve puppets, it will be OK!
Afterwards, we have a parish luncheon. I'm on the fence about if we should go, but I sort of think it would be good to say hi to everyone here and get the kiddos out in the world a bit.
So after I make Mr. Dumpling his two eggs, scrambled with ham and cheese. No butter on the toast, if you would, mom...
Mr. Muffin Puff cake two eggs poached on a toasted, dry mini bagel, with a side of cereal and a glass of apple juice (1/2 water, please)
Me a poached egg over black beans with salsa, chicken sausage, spinach and cilantro on a whole-wheat tortilla and
Baby Chuck whatever his sleeping non-jet lagged sweet majesty desires on waking, I have to come up with something to bring to this thing.
I'm torn between sweet breads (the standby for church functions) or something savory like a casserole. I thought about chicken salad, but I'm not sure I have enough to feed more than a few people...decisions decisions...

1 comment:

  1. There's no need to send 5 bucks, but that's from a TV ad for Reagan for president.

    For the church event, I recommend whatever takes the least effort.


No advertising for your weird cookbook please...or sex enhancement drugs...just no advertising at all...